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Friday, June 18, 2010

How to Cut Credit Card Debt

Posted by cikunyuk | Friday, June 18, 2010 | Category: | 0 comments

Most Americans have too much credit card debt. Duh, we've all heard that
before, right? Only now its gotten a bit personal... right again? You
personally have too much credit card debt and its about to drive you crazy.

Home Equity Loans ... Wise or Unwise?

Posted by cikunyuk | | Category: | 0 comments

Over the past few years many Americans have established lines of credit secured by the equity in their homes. For marginal borrowers this can turn out to be highly risky as it exposes these families to the loss of their homes. Lenders tend to quickly change colors from friend to foe in times of financial crisis and need and will "take it away if you can't pay".

Friday, April 16, 2010

How Understanding Your Credit Score?

Posted by cikunyuk | Friday, April 16, 2010 | Category: , | 0 comments

To have the best chance of improving your credit score you will need to have a good understanding of how it is calculated as that will help you to decide on the actions you need to take.

Setting Goals For your credits

Posted by cikunyuk | | Category: , | 0 comments

The attitude of the short term goals forms your long-term goal of the repair of your credit note notch much more attainable. Because credit note repair can quite take some time in many cases, it is simpler to work on the smaller goals and repair it step by step.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Risk of Taking Out a Loan

Posted by cikunyuk | Wednesday, April 14, 2010 | Category: , , | 0 comments

By Bill M

Loans are something that most people will need at some point in their lifetime. Whether it's for school or to get a car or even to get a home, there will be times when you will have to make a decision of whether or not to borrow money and go into debt in order to get what you want. Many people will make justifications that basically say it's always a good idea to take out a loan because you can always make money and pay it back. However, if you look at the stats on how many people actually owe money and are unable to pay it back, you might want to think twice.